

The notification below was mailed to each member’s home address in September 2023.


Election For:  (9) Local Delegates to OEA Representative Assembly

Election Date:  Thursday, October 5, 2023

Election For: LEA Officers-Secondary Vice-President, Elementary Vice-President, Treasurer and State & Local Delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly

Election Date:   Thursday, March 14, 2023

Voting for both elections will take place in all elementary and secondary buildings, both preschool buildings & Stanbery before and after school.  At-large and traveling teachers may vote at any site.  Space will be provided for write-ins.  To write-in a member’s name, you must have his/her permission.  Per LEA Bylaws, Section 3-1, E, the LEA President is an automatic delegate to the OEA and NEA Representative Assemblies.

This mailing to your home is required by the Landrum-Griffin Act.